Aims are secrets of the Champions. You’ve probably recorded your aims as instructed by a book, an audio class or personal development coach, but alas! The anticipated results were not yielded. Why.
Elite athletes and successful entrepreneurs devote their accomplishment to setting goals. Successful sports persons/team managers/coaches have incorporated goals in their training strategies. They inform us goal setting is essential; it works, full stop. So where can we go wrong?
Let’s explore this together in four simple but crucial steps. We’re not going to go through the goal setting techniques per se, we’re planning to identify and fill in these missing links.
1. Identify the Goal
Ask yourself; what do you need? We, as human beings are naturally targeted seeking. We proceed towards what preoccupies our heads, what we think of. As the famous aphorism goes; Energy follows thought.
If you do not set a conscious direction you would like to move to, then you might be moving in a direction you do not want. This might seem to be simple, but the simple fact is, very few folks are clear about exactly what it is they wish to accomplish, and hence have no conscious direction. They bulge from wall to wall.
Set yourself apart from the vast majority of aimlessly drifting masses by understanding precisely what you need to achieve.
2. Find the connection between your goals and your values
Now, for the most effective question, ask yourself why you need to achieve those particular objectives.
Would you like a BMW? Why? You’re saying it is because you’ve always adored big powerful luxurious vehicle? No, that isn’t the answer you’re looking for. Is it status you’re searching for, or create yourself attractive? No. These are all by-products of an underlying motive, I call them ‘conscious justifications’.
Now, ask yourself these vital questions: How can it feel for you to have a massive powerful luxurious brand new BMW? What will your emotional state being be like? Describe the feeling. Feel the feelings of accomplishing your targets. What is it that you’re really after? Is it self-esteem, self-confidence or are you seeking acceptance from society pressures?
Take time to relate your goals with your deep seated feelings in order to find congruence between your goals and your worth as an individual, as it is the cornerstone of achieving your targets.
Your aims MUST match your unique values and they need to begin a ripple of desire to actualise them. If this won’t occur then you’ll wind up ‘undermining’ them.
So, the next time you need to keep those eyes on the prize, do not just see yourself (visualise) ‘with your BMW’ getting excited, go deeper and sense that the underlying emotions, the deep-seated reason, the feeling of accomplishing a goal, the increased self-esteem/self-confidence/self-efficacy; the reinforcement of your heart individual values.
3. Boost the fire
Your goals have to ignite the fire within you, the urge to reach them, and most significantly this fire, the longing, must be continuous. There are two primary ways to maintain the hunger to attain your goals alive.
The first one is daily creative visualisations; the second is writing your goals and read them at least twice per day. Once after you wake up and before going to bed. When you read or accomplishing your objectives, incorporate the feelings that go with accomplishing your targets. Use anchoring to augment the consequences.
4. Experience your own aims as being a fact
Each time you read or visualise your goals live the experience of your goals as though you have achieved them. This enables the brain to accept that what you tell it’s true, and it’ll go to work to assist you accomplish your goals by programming the goals into your subconscious mind.
By following these four steps, you will condition your mind into accepting that your fantasies are a reality and have to be actualised. Your subconscious mind will then go to work to pave the way for you.