Living Comfortably

Your Personal Injury Claim: A Practical Guide to Drafting a Witness Statement

In your Personal Injury Claim, your witness statement is.

Your witness statement will effectively tell your version of events, and give you the chance to get your say Court without needing to go through the events again in the witness box.

However, there’s more to a witness statement than a written note of everything that has happened. It’s a formal document that must adhere to certain standards to be legitimate.

If your case goes to Court, then you will be questioned in your watch statement by another hand and requested to expand on certain problems. This will be finished in the witness box, before a judge, so that the Judge can listen to your remarks and construct their comprehension of your claim.

It’s important that your witness statement is extraordinarily detailed since it will function as an opportunity for you to experience the entirety of your claim in a single document. Should your claim go to Court anything will be given less weight or influence?

What Needs To Move Into Every Witness Statement?

Every single witness statement should:

Beheaded with the name of the proceedings;

State the full title and address of the witness;

Give the witness occupation state the absence of job;

Be typed if possible, and printed on single side A4 paper;

Be divided into numbered paragraphs;

End with a signed and dated Statement of Truth.

Your announcement should include a very brief overview of your health before your injury, how your injury happened, the immediate wake, your therapy, any monetary losses you’ve endured, any help and assistance you have received from family and friends, any continuing symptoms you’re suffering and the way your injury has impacted your employment, hobbies, family members, and relationships.

The Speech on your Witness Statement

Your witness statement ought to tell the story’ of your accident and retrieval and the effect this has had on your life and the people around you.

You must bear in mind you will have personal knowledge of the events covered from the announcement. The Judge doesn’t. It is crucial that you cover all of the necessary background and events. Your aim should be to receive your side of the story across to the Judge. To do this, your statement has to be organized with the events described in chronological order and clear language. A statement that uses language that is long-winded or does not pay for the material in a chronological arrangement is likely to confuse. NOVA Injury Law

It’s common for individuals to feel that, since the witness statement is a valid document, it needs to be full of long words and rambling sentences. This isn’t the case. You must draft your announcement with language that is clear; this usually means that you shouldn’t utilize any phrases or speech.

A sentence that reads I was hurt in a road traffic injury is far preferable to I collided brusquely with all the Defendants automatized motor vehicle.

The Purchase of Your Witness Statement

When Assembling your Witness Statement, you should make sure it contains specific information. Most personal injury witness statements can fit and are detailed below.

The use of subheadings is encouraged as it makes reading extended statements considerably easier as the information is broken down and easy to spot.

Your statement should include the following headings:

Your Own Accident

Under this heading, you will describe the physical mechanisms of your injury. You need to explain step by step the way your injury occurred, and what occurred with as much detail as you can recall. If you can’t remember certain points then say, therefore, don’t contain information that comes from someone else.

By way of instance, if you suffered a collapse but do not recall what occurred immediately after your fall then state so. Explain that you were dazed by the fall and cannot recall what occurred, state that your next clear memory is of X. Don’t state that your spouse who had been there when you fell says that X, Y & Z happened immediately after your fall. Your partner says and can make their statement.

Under this heading, you should also state why you feel the Defendant was to blame, why they caused the accident.

Your Injuries

This heading must detail what injury you have suffered. Make certain to include all of your injuries even in the event that you feel they are insignificant; this comprises any emotional injuries you have suffered. Remember the more detail you add, the more powerful your case is.

In case you’ve suffered multiple injuries, then you can use bullet points to create this clear and nice.

If possible, you need to say how long it took you to recover from the harm or if you have not recovered in the time of writing the announcement

Your Treatment

This section should detail your therapy. As you’ll need to provide details of each and every appointment, this will be the largest aspect of your announcement you attended to your injury. You should include details like:

The time and date of the appointment;

Who you watched;

What has been discussed;

How the appointment finished, e.g. what exactly were you told would happen next.

If you’re not sure of these details, you may go to your GP surgery and Hospital and request a copy of your medical records. Your medical records will have a detailed account of your appointments and what was discussed. You may have to pay for these, but the GP or Hospital can’t charge you 50.00 for these.

Voluntary Care

Under this heading, you will discuss the amount of help, care and help you needed after your injury. You should include as much detail as possible, be sure that you include detail for what care/help you wanted and also name who supplied you with this care/assistance and how long it took each to them. For example, you could state, I had help with carrying and pulling, she did my share of the actions and drove me to my appointments. Each day, this took an average of four hours. I had this level of attention for the first two weeks after my injury.

In the event the person who provided care and assistance to you is prepared, it would be helpful if they did a supportive witness statement, detailing the care and support they provided for you. They ought to give as much detail regarding how long it took them and what jobs/tasks they carried out that was done.

Financial Losses & Loss of Earnings

Beneath this section, you want to provide details about how long you needed to take off work and if you received sick pay for this time. You have to be certain about just how much cash you lost if your sick pay was less than your regular take-home wage.

You also need to use this heading to discuss how much cash you needed to spend on medicines, aids and other items that you would not have bought but for your accident.

You need to provide proof for any claim that you make regarding finical losses; evidence can contain duplicates of your wage slips, or receipts/invoices for items. These can be attached as exhibits to your witness statement.

Impact on Your Lifestyle

Under this heading, you should provide details about your injury’s influence on your way of life. Did it stop you from pursuing your hobbies, going on vacation, spending some time? Can it impact your relationship with friends, your family or significant other? Can it impact on your sexual life? You need to seriously look at the effect your injury has had on you and include as much detail as you can.

In conclusion

You must now have an understanding of what a witness statement is, what it is designed to achieve and how to put one together.